Sunday, March 21, 2010

Back... again!

I know I am a really bad blogger and I know I start all of my posts apologizing for taking so long from post to post. So here we are again. I will try to update monthly and you'll hope I do - lol!

So many things have happened since October... let's see; Lucas' Dedication, Fall, Christmas, New Years, Snow in Florida, Tyler's 30th Birthday, and of course, Lucas' milestones! So, to make a long list short - here we go:

Lucas' Dedication: Sunday, October 4, 2009 at Olive Baptist Church. It was a very special time for us to dedicate the child God has giving us back to him. We are so thankful that God gave us Lucas; we know he belongs to HIM but we are honored to be his earthly parents. Here is a picture from that day:

Fall: We had our annual Fall Festival at church and we went as a family this year. We normally volunteer and but dressed Lucas up and went to enjoy the activities. Lucas was a giraffe and he loved the attention. Later we went trick or treating with Jenny, Paul and Ella. We also went to pick a pumpkin that afternoon and carved it.

Christmas: We had a wonderful Christmas. We went to the Candlelight service at church on Christmas eve and then went to Tyler's parent's house for dinner and to open presents. Lucas enjoyed all the presents and particularly the bows! He went to bed and we stayed up opening presents. Afterwards, we came home and on Christmas morning had our first Christmas morning as a family of three. Tyler made pancakes and we checked out what Santa left for Lucas. Tyler read for us the "Christmas story" and we then headed to Jenny and Paul for lunch and fun with the family.

New Years: We welcomed the New Year at the Tyner's house. They had a bunch of people over and we enjoyed each other's babies. As usual we played Rock Band and Trivial Pursuit!

Snow in Florida: We had a very cold winter. So cold that it actually snowed in Pensacola. Not enough to stick but enough to cancel schools and close workplaces haha. We drove to Brewton to enjoy the 2 inches of snow (or so) and had a great time!

Tyler's 30th Birthday: I surprised Tyler with a trip for his 30th Birthday. I asked for his days off at work and church and we went to New York City for 4 days. There we met our friends Juan Carlos and Veronica . Tyler was so surprised! He had no clue about the trip and then even more surprised to see JC and Kena there! We had a wonderful time. It was hard to leave Lucas for the first time, but he was in great hands. He stayed with Jenny, Paul and Ella. I loved NYC! I can go back every year if we could!

Central Park

Brooklyn Bridge

Our friend Kena took these wonderful pictures at the Brooklyn Bridge; she is so talented that has won awards for her pictures. You can visit her awesome website VEMB Photography

Lucas's milestones: By now Lucas very mobile. He crawl (well... scoots!) pulls up on everything. He also has a walker which he loves and allows him to follow jack around the house. He also is "talking" a lot! Gahck (Jack) is probably his favorite word right now. Also, bah, and mamma. He said his first Spanish word: Agua (water) I am so proud! We are working on Daa-da. He makes a lot of funny noises too. He's such a little boy hitting everything together to make noise. Loves to be outside; specially the swings at the park. Lucas loves music; he starts dancing and I promise he sometimes sings!

He is 10 months old and 3 weeks. We are starting to think about his first birthday party... so bittersweet to me. The great thing is that he has many friends who's birthday are very close to his so I don't feel lonely about feeling sad that he's growing up. Our baby club is growing and so are our babies!

I will update again soon; lots to talk about and share.