The month has flown by, and I think part of the reason is because I keep trying to forget that Lucas is now 11 months old. Where has time gone?! It is such a mix of feelings! On one hand, I am so proud of my baby boy and all of the milestones he has achieved; but on the other hand, I am so sad to know that his "baby-days" are coming to an end! Don't get me wrong... he will ALWAYS be my sweet baby boy. But, from now on he will be considered a toddler. He is pulling up everywhere and cruising around the house. His favorite word is definitely "Ghack" (Jack, our dog), he loves to clap and sing. He says maa-ma and ball (more like bahw). We love to sing the FSU War Chant for him and watching swing his little hand in the tomahawk motion (Go 'Noles!) He makes all kinds of other noises that I just don't know how to spell. Lucas also says agua (water in Spanish) and absolutely loves the bath!
I love the fact the he has finally hit somewhat of separation anxiety. It's not too bad - normally he can be distracted with a toy and be okay - I just love the fact that he knows who we are and that we are here to love and protect him. The other day Lucas was napping and he woke up after 1 hour (which was weird cause he normally naps for 2 hours in the afternoon) so I went to check on him. He was crying, still with his eyes closed and it took me a little while to calm him down. I finally sat on the rocker and sat him on my lap, facing me, with his head on my chest and started to hum a song my mom used to sing for my sister and I. He went back to sleep, but if I tried to move he'd start making noises. It has been many months since I just sat and let my baby sleep on my chest; so I did! As I was sitting there I just started praying for him, every part of his body. It was such a sweet moment! I prayed for everything from his first steps to his walk with Christ. I prayed for guidance, obedience, contempt, strength, and love - among others. I prayed for his future as a child of God and his part in HIS perfect plan. I prayed for his future friend, girlfriends, and wife. After talking to a friend of mine, I decided to pray every day for his teachers, his wife, and his salvation. Thanks Christi! Anyways, all this to say that this was one of the sweetest moments I have spent with Lucas in a few months. I thank God for the privilege HE has given us by allowing us to be the parents of such a wonderful, healthy boy!
In other news, today Tyler and I are celebrating our 7th anniversary! YEAH!!!! We can hardly believe it has been that long! We are grateful to have each other to lean on everyday. We have seen some awesome moments and also some tough moments; but with Christ EVERYTHING is possible; God is love and love NEVER fails! We celebrated last friday (4/23) by going out to eat at Shark Fin and then to the movies. The plan was to pick up sushi and to watch the sunset at the beach. However, it rained all day so we went to plan B! Tyler's parents kept Lucas; it was wonderful to spend some time alone; even-though we talked about Lucas half of the time.
Also, this month my sister moved to Chile to pursue yet another degree. It has been a battle to take Victoria (her daughter) out of Costa Rica; but God has opened doors and she will be flying to Chile early in the month of May. Daniela won a scholarship that pays for her school and expenses so we are very proud of her! We hope to see them in December when we travel to Costa Rica. We pray for them daily; for God to continue working in her life and let her be light and salt in a foreign country.
It has been such a busy month, but here we are now at the end of it working the final details for Lucas's 1st birthday party. Today, a year ago I was 39 1/2 weeks pregnant and my mom was here with us waiting for the arrival of her first grandson. Today, we thank our Lord Jesus for an incredible year and look forward to the coming years.
Here are some pictures now...
Lucas and Kaison
Happy Easter!
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