"Forsus™ : When the lower jaw is retrusive (back) relative to the upper jaw we sometimes use an appliance called the Forsus appliance to encourage jaw growth by positioning the lower jaw forward." This "appliance" is what I got installed in my mouth this morning after a visit to my Orthodontist. But that's not all... I got a "stiffer" (stronger, bigger) wire on my upper teeth and everything was tighten up. It was an hour appointment and they used every minute of it adjusting, changing, and adding stuff. Right now I feel pretty good, I have no pain and besides the uncomfortable springs in my mouth I'm surprisingly painless. However, that does not mean anything because the doctor guaranteed pain tonight and in the days to come. I'm just glad he didn't make me use a head-gear cause I would've just ask him to remove the braces and be done with it. I have to wear the Forsus for six months and I can't take them off by myself... so I'm stuck! Hopefully after all the pain and discomfort my jaw will move to normal position and the doctor will remove my braces... that would be sooooo nice!!
This weekend my sister in law and family will be moving to their new house which I am really excited about because is only 3 miles from our house. The idea is to get bicycles and ride to their house but we'll see how that actually works out. We'll be able to see them more and hopefully spend time with Ella (our niece). Hopefully the weather will stay nice and clear!!
'till next time...